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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tomorrow is D Day....

Hi Everyone
Well Easton still has not arrived on his own. Brett and I will be heading to Evergreen Hospital tomorrow morning at 4 am for our scheduled C-Section, unless he decides to show up tonight.

We have to be checked in at 5 am to be prepped for surgery. Surgery is at 7:00 am. Easton should arrive around 7:15 ish and then they will need to stitch me up, so I'm guessing that if everything goes according to plan I will be back in my room between 8 am and 8:30 am.

They are planning on keeping me through the weekend and will either release me on Sunday or Monday.

Feel free to stop by and visit and see the baby....Wish us luck...can't believe I'm going to be a mommy again tomorrow.


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