Welcome to my Newly Updated Scrapbook Room. I hope you enjoy looking through my photos and that it may spark some creative ideas for you.
Entry from my Husband's side of the office - we share this office space (converted from 1/2 of our garage) My side is 5 x 9 ft room with a 2 x 3 ft "closet".

Entry from my Husband's side of the office - we share this office space (converted from 1/2 of our garage) My side is 5 x 9 ft room with a 2 x 3 ft "closet".

Looking at my room from entry to the left.

We had our contractor put this window in, I get great lighting when the sun is out (but in Seattle it's rare)

Looking into room straight on.

Looking into closet from Desk.

Wood Shelves my dad made me (RIP 3-20-2009) were the last thing he made me.

"H" Hook I got at Michaels this past weekend, and now it holds my Cricut Mats.

This rack I made out of the metal cubes using plastic zip ties. This hold my "future" projects.
This 9 Cube organzier holds my Small Cricut, Printer, Revolution, Wizard, computer software, and some mini albums

My Clip it Up (way UP Tall - good thing I'm 5'11" tall) to be able to reach anything on it.
Green Glass holder I got at Thrift Store for $2.00 and I store my small alaphabet stamps, and the other green "glass" for $.75 and clear glass jars $1.00 ea. I also got from a thrift store holds some utensils (paper piercer, stylus, spatulas, Bones, xacto Knifes, etc.).
My 12 x 12 albums (I was told not to store my albums this direction so I may have to flip the cubes)
Return that I made into extra "Hidden" storage.
"Hidden" storage area (look lots of room to buy more stuff)
This photo won't download the correct directon for some reason, but these are my idea books, I rip out the pages from magazines that I like the layout and sort them by "theme", then the pink binder is my scrapbook storage idea book that I gather from photos, internet pages, and blogs.
Got this candle holder for a $1 at a thrift store, bought some little glass bowls for .25 cents each and created some storage for little items, like brads, eyelets, etc.
Stamp storage made out of cassette holders. I cut a piece of cardboard and taped it between holders.
Again this photo will not transfer correctly,
I made the ribbon pail by tying different colored ribbon along the handle.
Pottery Barn bathroom shelf that I got "New" on Craigslist a few years ago (LOVE IT!)
Took the upper shelf out and now I have a place to store my Cricut Cartridges.
Buttons, Buttons and more Buttons....Oh and some Ribbon. You also see my small HP Photo Printer.

Got this great little metal holder at a thrift store for $2.00.
I use it to hold my Cricut Markers and Ink Pens and Deep Cut Blades/Holder.
My new storage unit...LOVE THIS, I have a bin for each family members photos, art, misc stuff.

Slack hangers purchased at Fred Meyer that I use for photos of my 12 x 12 layouts.
Got this cute little wheel barrow with glass salt and pepper shakers at a thrift store for $1.00
and I filled with colored glitter to match room colors.

View from standing on top of my husbands desk on the other side of our partition wall.
View from the closet. We had a our contractor built that funny looking box protruding from the wall around our garage door opening with an access panel so we didn't lose 2ft of room.
Desk. I have a crafters mat on the top so I'm always ready to cut.

Thanks for taking the time to view my craft space. I hope you were inspired and found something that will help organize you more efficiently. I'm always striving to make things better. My favorite store to shop in is a "Thrift Store", you can always find great things to make into great organizational tools. Most of my purchases are from Ben Franklin, Michael's, Paper Zone, Container Store and IKEA. Happy Scrapbooking.

WOW! Your craft room is amazing! I love the pink :)
I love your room! My husband did this to our garage, and you have definitely made the most out of your space! I am still working on filling in all of my nook and crannies. Also, I am a fellow NW Scrapper! From Eugene, Oregon!
Thanks for sharing!
room?? you mean your scrapbooking STORE!!! WOWZA!! great job at organizing all of that stuff in such an eye-pleasing way! :)
I an impressed an inspired by this room. You put me in the mood for some spring cleaning!
I'm literally drooling all over my keyboard right now!!!! Amazing!
Wow!!!! I love all the storage ideas. I'm going to have to bookmark this page. I never thought about hanging my cricut mats or having a bin for each family members pics/stuff. I've just been throwing stuff in one bin. Thanks for all the ideas!
This room has everything except me!
Ok so I LOVE this space! So many creative ideas, so organized and colorful! Love the slack hangers for hanging up pics and layouts! Very unique and awesome!
Your space rocks! I love it...the pink, green & white make it so cozy & special...girly shabby chic! FUN!
NICE!! (There is inflection to that word...do you hear it?!!) You have done a great job fitting lots into not a big space! Love that your dh is just on the other side! (Unless of course he listens to sports all the time!)
What an amazing room. Great storage ideas. Love all the little special touches (ie bathtub).
HOLY SMOKES! I'm in awe. Absolute awe. I can tell you must truly enjoy that room and I love that you all created it to share!
OH MY GOD!!!OH ~~~ MY ~~~ GOD !!!! THIS IS JUST AWESOME. I love your crafty room ! So pink and so organized simply so fantastic. Its a dream for us crafters. Most of my craft goodies are in plastic drawers. Please feel free to hop over.
I am so jealous!!! LOL
This room is amazing and I love your color theme...much like my own.
Thank you for sharing so many amazing ideas.
You have so much stuff in such a small space yet it doesn't look crowded. Going to most probably pinch some of your ideas when I move next month. Hope you don't mind xx
Wow! Great use of space. Very Cute and do organized.
OMG!!!! Your room is incredible! I am definitely going to borrow a couple of your ideas...I'm totally inspired by your organizational ability :)
amazing room! Congrats!
Love your space! Great organization ideas, I may have to borrow a few ;) Thanks for sharing!
Can we all come over and scrapbook with you? That is seriously A-MAZING!
Wow! I'm impressed. New follower here.
~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva
{Check out how I made my name 'clickable'.}
Que habitación más hermosa, te felicito, es realmente maravillosa!!!!
wow..WoW...WOW!!!! This is awesome! You have totally organized every inch of space! This is definately inspiring. It's not how big of a room you have it's how well you organize what you have. Now I feel the need to go and scrapbook! Have a great weekend!
Wow! Can I come live in that space?
I love it!
I especially love all your gadgets. I have to show my hubby this pic and say "See she has more stuff than I do!" lol
I gotta get organized.
Super Cute Room- I have a similiar room and I love it. Thanks for some great ideas to add to my room. Im in Mukilteo so we are super close-
WOW. I am loving this. Having some serious craft room envy now. Well done!
All I can say is WOW!!!!
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